Friday, 7 January 2011

Job Hunting: Becoming a professional interview-ee!

Is it just me or are simple interviews no longer existent! As a recent graduate I’ve noticed that most of the interviews I have been attending are like 5 hour long seminars whereby candidates are expected to complete all sort of cringe worthy tasks.

One of the worst was a ‘connections’ session with all the candidates whereby each of us had to mingle in the tiny room in groups and see who made the most connections with any the other ...Ugh!

A great ice-breaker if you’re attending some sort of twisted speed-dating event....but at an interview...NO!

A recruitment consultant also told me that I need to prepare for another interview I’m going last 3 hours! and involves me preparing a 10 minute slide-show presentation about why I want the jobs as well as completing a test....this recession is really sucking!

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